Wednesday, May 16, 2012

過度運動 未老先衰!!

過度節食+重度運動瑜珈老師未老先衰  欣傳媒2012-05-16天天教學生練瑜珈更健康的37歲的劉姓女瑜珈老師近來突然經常感到疲勞,而且還冒出滿臉痘花,皮膚又粗糙又老化,而且脾氣暴躁,她以為自己得了怪病趕快到婦產科檢查,抽血才發現她體內的去氫氧皮質酮(DHEA)濃度低得離譜,形同780歲的老太太。幫劉小姐治療的康寧醫院婦產科主任楊再興今(16)日表示,他詢問劉小姐的日常生活,發現劉小姐除了和朋友聚會時會吃大餐以後,平常為了減肥及健康都吃素,長期營養不良,加上當瑜珈老師運動量大,深層脂肪燃燒過度,無法讓體內雄性荷爾蒙順利轉化成女性荷爾蒙,以致雄性荷爾蒙堆積。而她出現月經失調、皮膚冒痘及粗糙等現象,就是因為雄性荷爾蒙無法轉化為女性荷爾蒙造成的男性化及早衰症狀,甚至比停經後更嚴重。因此建議補充DHEA 4個月,劉小姐除了情緒變穩定、臉上痘痘消失,皮膚也變回光滑的觸感。楊再興提醒,現代年輕女性常為了保持身材而拼命節食,結果減到體內脂肪不夠,脂肪組織無法讓男性荷爾蒙轉變成女性荷爾蒙,就會出現冒青春痘、皮膚粗糙、毛髮濃密及聲音低沉等男性化特徵,不僅外觀會變老變醜,而且情緒起伏大,而他臨床就看過至少5位同樣也是瑜珈老師的患者,他提醒,素食或適當節食保持體態雖有益健康,但過度限制飲食太瘦反而有害。不過,可不要為了讓自己更年輕,而隨意補充含有荷爾蒙作用的食物或未經醫師診斷而攝取DHEA,楊再興提醒,曾接獲一位60歲婦女,因為停經怕變老而大量吃蜂王乳,後來發生陰部出血到門診治療,檢查發現罹患初期子宮內膜癌,研判是蜂王乳的類雌激素作用不斷刺激子宮內膜而引起。楊再興認為,近年來台灣女性子宮內膜癌患者發生率激增,而且有年輕化趨勢,主因除了營養過度外,恐和女性愛吃包含大豆異黃酮、胎盤素、蜂王乳、當歸、山藥、花粉等有雌激素作用的補充品有關,造成子宮內膜異常增厚。因此他提醒,政府目前尚無完整法規來規範保健食品的使用,不少民眾透過網路或親友介紹就使用號稱可以留住青春又「健康無害」的保健食品,但只要有類荷爾蒙作用,長期不當使用就可能危害健康,嚴重者可能還要洗腎。建議民眾在購買保健食品時,應特別注意產品品質、成份標示及來源使用等標示,如果吃起來還是不安心,最好尋求有專業背景的醫療人員諮詢,才能吃得安全又健康。

DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone)  is a hormone that is naturally made by the human body. It can be made in the laboratory from chemicals found in wild yam and soy. However, the human body cannot make DHEA from these chemicals, so simply eating wild yam or soy will not increase DHEA levels. Don't be misled by wild yam and soy products labeled as "natural DHEA."DHEA is used for slowing or reversing aging, improving thinking skills in older people, and slowing the progress of Alzheimer's disease. Athletes and other people use DHEA to increase muscle mass, strength, and energy. But DHEA use is banned by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).DHEA is also used by men for erectile dysfunction (ED), and by healthy women and women who have low levels of certain hormones to improve well-being and sexuality. Some people try DHEA to treat systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), weak bones (osteoporosis), multiple sclerosis (MS), low levels of steroid hormones (Addison's disease), depression, schizophrenia, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and to slow the progression of Parkinson's disease. It is also used for preventing heart disease, breast cancer, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. DHEA is used for weight loss, for decreasing the symptoms of menopause, and for boosting the immune system. People with HIV sometimes use DHEA to ease depression and fatigue. Women who have passed menopause sometimes use DHEA inside the vagina for strengthening the walls of the vagina and for increasing bone mineral density. Like many dietary supplements, DHEA has some quality control problems. Some products labeled to contain DHEA have been found to contain no DHEA at all, while others contained more than the labeled amount. DHEA is being investigated and may eventually be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a prescription drug for treating systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and improving bone mineral density in women with lupus who are taking steroid drugs for treatment. The FDA is still studying the pharmaceutical company's application for approval.

Source: MedlinePlus

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