Friday, January 11, 2013

Acrylate-based hydrogel 加速干细胞生长 !!!

Nat Commun:特殊材料加速干细胞生长 作者:T.Shen来源:生物谷2013-1-9 21:29:48201319 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,刊登在国际杂志Nature Communications上的一篇研究报告中,来自爱丁堡大学的研究者表示,他们可以通过一种新型的产生干细胞的方法来提高疾病的药物筛选速率以及新型疗法的开发速度,这对于众多疾病,比如帕金森疾病或者亨廷顿氏症的治疗无疑是一大突破。研究中,研究者开发出了家族化合物,这些化合物可以支持人类胚胎干细胞的生长,这就可以为研究者提供大规模的药物测试和疾病新型疗法的开发。文章中提到的特殊材料是一种水性凝胶,扮演着小型支架的作用,细胞可以粘附在其上面并且进行生长。一旦细胞按照预期分化的目的进行充分扩增的时候,这种水性凝胶就能够冷却,使得附着在其上的干细胞从支架上脱落而不被损伤。研究者表示,这种材料可以让干细胞进行充分地生长而不被污染,这就极大地促进了研究者进行药物筛选以及进行活细胞的临床试验等。研究者通过对成千上万种化合物进行扫描,来检测其支持干细胞生长的能力,在化合物的候选名单中,其中一种化合物具有较高效力。干细胞是研究者进行药物筛选的强大的工具,而且其也可以来检测药物的作用效果。最后,研究者Paul de Sousa博士表示,这项研究大大加快了胚胎干细胞自动产生的能力,而且可以降低干细胞生产的成本,我们需要进行深入研究来确定这项研究是否可以将成体细胞诱导成为多能型干细胞。(生物谷

A thermoresponsive and chemically defined hydrogel for long-term culture of human embryonic stem cells Rong Zhang, Heidi K. Mjoseng, Marieke A. Hoeve, Nina G. Bauer, Steve Pells, Rut Besseling, Srinivas Velugotla, Guilhem Tourniaire, Ria E. B. Kishen, Yanina Tsenkina, Chris Armit, Cairnan R. E. Duffy, Martina Helfen, Frank Edenhofer, Paul A. de Sousa & Mark Bradley

 Cultures of human embryonic stem cell typically rely on protein matrices or feeder cells to support attachment and growth, while mechanical, enzymatic or chemical cell dissociation methods are used for cellular passaging. However, these methods are ill defined, thus introducing variability into the system, and may damage cells. They also exert selective pressures favouring cell aneuploidy and loss of differentiation potential. Here we report the identification of a family of chemically defined thermoresponsive synthetic hydrogels based on 2-(diethylamino)ethyl acrylate, which support long-term human embryonic stem cell growth and pluripotency over a period of 2–6 months. The hydrogels permitted gentle, reagent-free cell passaging by virtue of transient modulation of the ambient temperature from 37 to 15 °C for 30 min. These chemically defined alternatives to currently used, undefined biological substrates represent a flexible and scalable approach for improving the definition, efficacy and safety of human embryonic stem cell culture systems for research, industrial and clinical applications. 

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