Saturday, March 28, 2015

Genomics England 來勢洶洶! 英國政府與10 big pharmas 佈局$700 billion 健康醫藥串聯商機(connected life marke)

10大藥廠 打造全球最大基因庫 20150327 04:10 記者陳穎芃/綜合外電報導 金融時報報導,包括英國葛蘭素史克(GlaxoSmithKline)、阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)及瑞士羅氏藥廠在內等10家製藥公司近日與英國國民健保署(NHS)合作,預定2017年前將10萬名病患的基因序列建檔,打造全球最大基因資料庫。英國政府為了這項國際合作所建立的國營事業Genomics England日前已在試辦階段完成3,000名癌症或罕見疾病病患的基因序列建檔,估計2017年前將完成總計10萬名病患的基因序列建檔作業,目的在利用基因資料庫發展更個人化的治療方法。Genomics England執行董事長齊索姆爵士(Sir John Chisholm)表示,這項計畫需要業界合作才能造福更多病患,但他也強調基因序列建檔及未來基因資料庫的使用都將受到嚴格控管,以確保病患資料匿名不外流。英國政府去年就曾推出名叫Care.Data的類似計畫,希望提供病患資料讓研究機構開發新的治療方法,但當時受到隱私保護團體極力反對而被迫延宕。齊索姆爵士稱這回接受基因序列建檔的10萬名病患都是自願參與,相對減少隱私爭議。這次參與計畫的成員除了上述藥廠之外,還包括比利時UCB、日本武田製藥,以及美國Dimension TherapeuticsHelomics等製藥公司。齊索姆爵士在軟體工程業擁有多年經驗,且當年曾主導英國國防科技事業Qinetiq民營化。他表示:「我的職業生涯大半投入微電子革命。當年這項革命改變了20世紀,如今基因學將改變21世紀。」谷歌投資的美國業者23andMe先前也展開基因資料庫的建構計畫,並銷售99美元的DNA測試工具組,但該公司僅針對人體部分基因進行排序,不像Genomics England對每位病患進行完整基因序列建檔,因此外界預期後者資料庫規模相當可觀。

Frost & Sullivan: The $700 Billion Connected Life Market that will Drive Change and Growth 26/03/2015 Groundbreaking keynote addresses by Genomics England and Google for Work showcasing global leadership in connectivity and convergence driven innovation at GIL 2015: Europe in London. We are living a connected life in a connected world. Our smartphone is our gateway to the world and very soon we will be able to connect our glasses, watch, thermostat, lights, door locks and car. The connected life market has been valued by Frost & Sullivan at over $700 billion by 2020, but are companies prepared to drive and manage this change to stay ahead of the rapidly evolving world in which we live? Nina Bjornstad, Country Manager at Google for Work UK&I, will deliver Google for Work's vision on the importance of connectivity to drive growth during Frost & Sullivan's Growth, Innovation and Leadership (GIL) 2015: Europe. The conference will take place on Thursday, 14th May at Royal Garden, Kensington. Over 200 industry leaders are expected to convene from all over Europe to share ideas and strategies to make their business choices successful. Frost & Sullivan's Senior Partner Dorman Followwill explains: "The question is: how can we enable companies to transform through exciting connectivity platforms? We will be presenting specific case studies from traditional global companies that are transforming themselves from the inside out. These companies are starting with their individual contributors, and from there driving transformation through their employee teams, business units and the entire enterprise." Outside of our homes and work lies huge commercial opportunity. Connected city - with a market potential of nearly $400 billion - will be driven by connected consumer services for mobility, governance, education, and banking and financial services. eServices to Citizens, such as ePayments, eExchange, eSharing, etc, will empower citizens with real-time access to personal data and related services. Smart governance and education services will transform our access to information and learning. Highlights of the congress include a groundbreaking keynote address showcasing global leadership in connectivity and convergence driven innovation in healthcare through the 100,000 Whole Human Genome Sequencing Project led by Genomics England. The Chief Scientist spearheading this most important project globally on genomics and personalised medicine, Professor Mark Caulfield, will explore this project. Furthermore, Senior Partner Sarwant Singh will present Global Trends in Connectivity and Convergence and Practice Director Ankit A. Shukla will introduce Techvision 2020. The conference will be followed by the 2015 Frost & Sullivan Growth Excellence Awards Banquet. Frost & Sullivan's Global GIL Community continues to be the industry's only resource that supports CEOs and their management teams in critical decision-making, offering tools that help industry leaders in achieving the three essential objectives of Growth, Innovation and Leadership. GIL 2015: Europe will provide CEOs and their growth teams an opportunity not just to attend GIL, but to actually experience it.

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