Saturday, March 28, 2015

OptiNose: Nasal Drug Delivery: OPN-375, a treatment for Chronic Nasal Inflammatory Diseases (CNID)

新藥研發耗費25億美元 製藥業的未來在哪裡? 廣州生物醫藥網 發表於 2015326 新藥品的研發成本正在繼續飆升。根據來自塔夫茨藥物開發研究中心的資料,開發、測試一款新藥並通過監管機構的批准,可能要耗費製藥公司25億美元以上,比 10年前翻了一倍還多——2003年,製藥公司將新藥推向市場上的費用約為8.02億美元(2013年購買力計算約為10.4億美元)。一些製藥公司和生物科技公司都想知道怎樣才能加大投入產出比,而其中的一種方法就是讓現有的藥品,也就是那些已經經過測試和認證的知名藥品,變得更加有效。彭博社智庫生物科技分析師阿斯卡.古納瓦迪尼認為:"隨著市面上的仿製藥越來越多,這種發展趨勢是很自然的。各大公司都在研究新的給藥方法,或是將現有藥品以新的方法進行組合。這是一種可行的辦法。"一些知名藥企已經進入這個領域,其中包括阿特維斯和梯瓦製藥等公司。其他規模較小的藥企也在尋求能夠顛覆遊戲規則的創新,比如MannKind公司研發的吸入式胰島素Afrezza,以及Heron Therapeutic公司極具科技含量的高分子聚合物給藥平臺Biochronomer,它可以讓現有注射類藥物的藥效更加持久。古納瓦迪尼表示:"如果採用一種已經通過認證的藥物,就相當於削減了認證過程。這種方式的風險更低,因為美國食品藥品監管局(FDA)很喜歡這種做法。"在費城郊外,一家名叫OptiNose的生物科技公司就在深耕這一領域。該公司發明了一款相對來說並不是特別高科技的設備。這款設備可以將藥物送到它需要去的地方,進而有望改變傳統的治療方式。這款塑膠設備利用人類的自然呼吸來關閉鼻腔,然後將藥物送至鼻腔深處。當你通過嘴巴大力呼氣時,軟齶會關閉通向鼻腔的氣道,這也就是為什麼你無法同時用嘴 巴和鼻子大力吹氣的原因。它的作用其實就相當於封閉鼻腔,使藥物可以在那個封閉空間進行迴圈,同時你的呼吸會將藥物直接送至鼻竇。OptiNose正在與Avanir公司進行合作,而這款產品的首個用途(治療偏頭痛)有望很快獲得FDA的批准。臨床研究顯示,與口服藥物相比,這種靠 呼吸給藥的設備使藥物進入血液的速度更快,同時需要的藥物劑量也更小。它的藥效幾乎像注射一樣快,但病人無需挨上一針。開發這種新型給藥機制的成本大約只有3000萬到5000萬美元。這還包括正在接受FDA審核的另一項針對慢性鼻竇炎的研發費用。Optinose公司CEO彼得.米勒指出:"藥品開發最難的部分是,很多好藥由於安全問題而無法面市。在藥品開發的早期階段,大家都知道出現了非常好的 藥效,他們才會開始進行動物實驗並尋找副作用。但由於我們採用的藥品已經在人身上用過了,特別是我們的頭兩款藥品已經被人使用過數百萬次了,因此我們的開 發風險和監管風險與合成一種新藥相比,完全不在一個級數上。"由於使用的劑量更少、給藥更快、或提高了藥效,這些更好的給藥手段不僅降低了研發成本、優化了藥品利用率,還幫助製藥公司延長了一些專利原本要過期的藥品 的專利保護權。藥效的改善和專利權的更新,賦予了製藥公司更大的定價權(不過古納瓦迪尼指出,這種定價權顯然還是比不上開發一款全新的藥物)。儘管這種給藥機制解決的只是一種病症,但它依然面臨非常巨大的商機。OptiNose為例,該設備目前也被用來臨療鼻息肉和鼻竇炎,採用的藥物是廣為人知的氟替卡松。OptiNose公司表示,它有可能打開一個市值至少在15億美元的市場。它還有著更大的前景:鼻腔是大腦與外部世界唯一接觸的直接接觸區域。該公司表示,未來OptiNose有可能通過鼻腔給藥,在治療自閉症和阿爾茨海默症等中樞神經系統疾病上達到更好的效果。當然,要在臨床測試中確認這些事,還有很長的一段路要走。此外,新的給藥方法仍然無法超越現有藥物和人體的極限。儘管如此,這種技術進步正在進入市場,而且有望顯著提升現有好藥的治療效果。

OptiNose to Present at Nasal and Respiratory Drug Delivery Conferences

March 19, 2015 08:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time YARDLEY, Pa.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--OptiNose today announced that the company will present at the 2015 Annual International Nasal Drug Delivery (NDD) Conference – Advances in Drug Therapies, Systemic Delivery and Device Technologies in London, United Kingdom. They have also been invited to present at the 10th Annual Respiratory Drug Delivery Conference - RDD Europe 2015 in Antibes, France.

"Why Deposition Site Matters in Nasal Drug Delivery" Per Djupesland, MD, PhD, Founder and Chief Scientific Officer, will present new findings to support "Why Deposition Site Matters in Nasal Drug Delivery" at the NDD conference in April. He has also been invited to present on the topic of "Nose-to-Brain Transport – Opportunities and Challenges" at the RDD Europe Conference in May."We are extremely excited about the future of OptiNose and the significant milestones that our company expects to achieve in 2015 and beyond," Djupesland stated. "We continue to build on a strong pipeline of products that are being developed to leverage the advantages this unique new form of nasal drug delivery presents for treating serious diseases such as Migraine, Chronic Nasal Inflammatory Diseases and Autism Spectrum Disorders."

About OptiNose OptiNose is a Specialty Pharmaceutical Company developing a promising pipeline of late stage new products. The Company's patented Bi-Directional™ Breath Powered™ technology platform creates differentiated treatments by enabling deep intranasal drug deposition. OptiNose successfully out-licensed a first product at the end of phase 3 (AVP-825 for Migraine, licensed to AVNR in North America), and has proven clinical success with other products, including OPN-375, a treatment for Chronic Nasal Inflammatory Diseases (CNID) that will soon complete Phase 3. OPN-375 has the potential to be a breakthrough that creates a new standard of care for the treatment of serious CNID, such as Chronic Sinusitis or Recurrent Sinusitis. Other OptiNose pipeline products also target large and attractive markets with significant unmet need, including nose-to-brain technology applications such as OPN-300 for Autism. OptiNose has corporate offices in the US, Norway and the UK.

About OptiNose's Bi-Directional™ Breath Powered™ Delivery Technology OptiNose's patented closed-palate Bi-Directional Breath Powered delivery technology is unique in that it uses the natural function of a user's breath to propel medications beyond the nasal valve into the deep, targeted areas of the nasal cavity more effectively and efficiently than current treatment approaches. A user exhales into the device, creating a natural closure of the soft palate and sealing off the nasal cavity completely. The exhaled breath carries medication from the device into one side of the nose through a specially shaped sealing nosepiece, balancing the pressure on the soft palate. Narrow nasal passages are gently expanded and medication is transported well beyond the nasal valve to targeted sites. After delivering medication to the targeted sites, air flows around to the opposite side of the nasal cavity and exits through the other side of the nose rather than into the throat or lungs.

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