Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Medtronic(美敦力)20天内购两家中国公司 欲撬动基层市场!!

Medtronic to Pay $66.2M for Stake in China Med Tech Co. by Nataleeya Boss October 16, 2012 Medtronic, Inc., announced Monday that it has agreed to buy a 26.4 percent stake in Shenzhen, China-based cardiovascular device maker LifeTech Scientific Corporation. Medtronic will pay $66.2 million for LifeTech: $46.6 million to buy a 19 percent equity stake in the company and $19.6 million to buy a convertible note—a type of bond that can be converted into shares of common stock and that would add an additional 7.4 percent ownership interest. Once the deal closes, Medtronic will have the right to distribute LifeTech products. The Fridley-based medical device giant will also be able to buy additional shares of the company should LifeTech achieve unspecified financial or developmental milestones. The announcement comes about two weeks after Medtronic revealed plans to acquire another Chinese company—Changzhou-based China Kanghui Holdings, Inc., which makes orthopedic implants. That purchase, which is expected to close in the next few months and for which Medtronic will pay $816 million, will be the biggest-ever overseas acquisition for the company and will give it access to thousands of Chinese hospitals, according to a Bloomberg report. Medtronic CEO Omar Ishrak reportedly plans to expand Medtronic in fast-growing emerging markets, including China and India, with a goal to increase sales from those markets to 20 percent of companywide sales by 2016. (Sales from those markets accounted for less than 10 percent of companywide sales during the most recent fiscal year.) Shenzhen-based LifeTech is a public company whose shares trade on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and whose 2011 revenue amounted to roughly $22.4 million. The company makes minimally invasive devices for cardiovascular and peripheral vascular diseases. It employs about 412."China is key to our global strategy as we continue to expand our geographic footprint and strive to meet the needs of local cardiovascular patients, and this agreement reaffirms our commitment to this important market," Mike Coyle, executive vice president and president of Medtronic's cardiac and vascular business group, said in a statement. The deal, which is pending approval from LifeTech's shareholders and regulators in both China and Hong Kong, is expected to close within the next 60 to 90 days, Medtronic said.

 发布时间:2012-10-16 来源:药品资讯网信息中心对于已经习惯在北上广等一线城市做生意的跨国公司来说,中国庞大的基层市场意义重大,在向下沉的过程中比对手更快地作出调整,是目前各家公司都在努力的方向]美国美敦力(MDT.NYSE)昨日在华宣布,买入深圳先健科技公司(08122.HK)19%股权。就在今年928,这家全球最大的独立医疗设备制造商刚刚公布以8.16亿美元的超高出价收购康辉控股(中国)公司(KH.NYSE)。昨日,美敦力方面称,将以每股约3.80港元的价格(约合4660万美元)购买深圳先健初始股本投资,并购买1960万美元的可换股票据,并不排除"还有机会增持额外的可换股票据"。此前,这家进入中国市场已经23年的全球知名公司在华鲜有并购新闻传出,唯一可以追溯的是20097月,其与国内骨科排名靠前的山东威高医用高分子制品股份有限公司(下称"威高")成立合资公司。在那一合作中,美敦力向威高做17.26亿港元(合约2.21亿美元)股本投入,收购后者15%股份——而骨科治疗领域,正是美敦力全球数个业务优势领域之一。"中国对于我们的全球化策略至关重要,尤其在美敦力继续扩展所服务的地域并力争满足各地心血管病人的本土需求的时候,这一协议重申了我们对中国这一重要市场的承诺。"美敦力执行副总裁、心脏和血管业务部总裁麦克·柯伊尔昨日在公开声明中表示。根据双方协议,美敦力通过购买在心血管领域享有知名度的先健科技公司19.0%的股权,获得分销先健科技现有和未来产品的权利;美敦力也将提供各种服务和专业知识,支持先健科技持续增长、拓展后续产品线和制造的能力。"中国市场在整个美敦力全球的位置越来越重要,这一点在我们今后的战略中也会逐渐体现,"昨日,美敦力中国公关总监吴伟农接受《第一财经日报》采访时强调,"这项投资与美敦力的资本分配战略是一致的,也满足了内部财务收益预期。"更直观的数据反映了美敦力这一中国战略折射出的全球调整。"6年前,美敦力美国市场和其他市场的贡献分别是67%33%,现在,这个数字已经迅速达到了各自50%。"吴伟农告诉本报记者。而这个全球化的过程中,一直相对谨慎低调的美敦力多少感受到了来自市场的正面冲击,在全球各大知名跨国制药和医疗器械公司纷纷重点开拓中国基层市场时,如果美敦力希望保持并提升近5年内25%的成长业绩,资本层面的机会显然不能放弃。"对康辉完全资本层面的收购,让美敦力实现了生产线本土化的第一步,更重要的是,康辉在二三线城市成熟的营销网络,对于美敦力下一步的市场开拓非常重要。"吴伟农表示。对于已经习惯在北上广等一线城市做生意的跨国公司来说,中国庞大的基层市场意义重大,在向下沉的过程中比对手更快地作出调整,是目前各家公司都在努力的方向。以美敦力骨科介入领域为例,投资基金Frost&Sullivan资料显示,亚太地区的骨科植入器械市场预计将从2009年的22亿美元增长到2015年的54亿美元,复合年增长率将达到16.1%,高出全球增速5%。其中,2015年中国骨科植入器械市场将增长到166亿元人民币,年复合增长率达18.1%,超过日本成长为第二大市场。

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