Monday, August 13, 2012

.NBTXR3 (智擎PEP503): radioenhancer !!

PharmaEngine, Nanobiotix in NBTXR3 radioenhancer development agreement Published 07 August 2012 PharmaEngine has entered into a license and collaboration agreement to develop and commercialize Nanobiotix's NBTXR3 radioenhancer in Australia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and other countries in the Asia-Pacific region.NBTXR3, a nanoparticle formulation of hafnium oxide crystals, is designed for the local treatment of tumors.Under the agreement, Nanobiotix will receive an upfront payment of $1m and upon achievement of certain development, regulatory and sales milestones, it will receive $56m.PharmaEngine said it will further fund the clinical development of NBTXR3 in three different indications, according to an agreed upon time schedule and development plan.PharmaEngine president and chief executive officer Grace Yeh said the company is attracted with approach of NBTXR3 to overcome the current limitations of radiotherapy, and the possibility of developing it as a medical device which follows a faster development and regulatory pathway than a drug."We believe that by joining forces with Nanobiotix, PharmaEngine can expand the clinical applications of this project based on our successful experience with a nanoparticle formulation of irinotecan (PEP02)," Yeh added.Nanobiotix CEO Laurent Levy said, "The studies conducted by PharmaEngine in three different indications in Asia will add to the ongoing European Phase I study in soft tissue sarcoma and another Phase I study to be initiated by Nanobiotix in early 2013 - all of this will be closely coordinated between both companies to ensure a broad clinical development."

專案背景介紹: 目前市面上治療癌症的方式,可以分為手術切除、藥物治療與放射線治療或其他方法治療,治療方法的選擇,則是取決於腫瘤的位置、惡性程度、發展程度以及病人身體狀態。目前全世界大約有50 %的癌症病人接受放射線治療,而放射線的作用主要是以放射線造成DNA股斷裂,進而誘發細胞死亡。但較長的治療期間以及治療後數個月或數年以後才產生的遲延性後遺症則是放射治療的缺點。為了改善放射線治療的不足,近十年來發展出許多方式來尋求治療上的突破,但是這些新的放射線治療方法雖然改進了傳統放射治療方法的缺點,但還是留有很多限制可以繼續改進。20128月,智擎生技製藥股份有限公司與與法國Nanobiotix公司共同簽署 NBTXR3亞太地區獨家授權與合作契約,此專案被命名為PEP503。智擎公司認為該技術除了可以讓放射線治療更容易殺死腫瘤細胞外,還可以使腫瘤周圍的健康組織受到較少的影響或傷害。因此,希望PEP503能在現有的癌症放射線標準治療中,扮演一重要的角色,以彌補現今放射線治療的不足。

技術說明: PEP503是一種結晶狀之奈米鉿氧化物(nanoparticle formulation of hafnium oxide crystals, HfO2)。其主要作用是PEP503在放射線(X-Ray)照射下,將其內部鉿氧化物(HfO2)分子或原子游離或變成激發狀態後,可直接或間接的引起細胞DNA結構的化學變化,進而造成細胞的死亡。其以局部治療(local treatment)為目的,具有提升癌症放射線治療的作用,因此是一種放射線治療提升劑(radioenhancer)PEP503預期能夠大幅增加使用放射線治療時的劑量區間(therapeutic window),在不增加放射線治療劑量下提高抑制腫瘤的效果,並減少造成健康組織的損害。所以預期癌症病人在接受治療後,能夠獲得更好抑制腫瘤反應率,並能提高存活率。

臨床開發階段: NBTXR3被歐盟法規單位(EMA)分類認定為醫療器材(class III medical device),於20119NBTXR3獲得法國法規單位(AFSSAPS)通過核准進行人體第一期臨床試驗,預計收入27位軟組織肉瘤(soft tissue sarcoma)病患,Nanobiotix公司預期在2012年底能有初步的結果。未來,智擎公司將依據雙方同意的開發計畫及時程,負責NBTXR3在三種不同適應症上的臨床試驗開發,預期可以大幅加速並擴大在臨床應用上的發展。

開發市場目標: PEP503在亞洲區域預期可以開發的適應症包括頭頸癌、口腔癌、直腸癌、食道癌、腦癌及肝癌等,在現有的癌症放射線標準治療中,可以扮演一重要的角色,來彌補現今放射線治療的不足。目前全世界大約有50 %的癌症病人接受放射線治療,因此能在已經成熟且龐大的放射線治療癌症市場,創造利基性的需求。

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