Sunday, July 17, 2011


全球知名CRO公司-ICON加碼布局亞太市場 2011/07/16 【台北訊】知名外包市場體系研發及技術委辦服務機構(簡稱CRO-ICON,為了強化在亞太市場的布局,今年四月分別與中國臨床藥品研發服務領導廠商-泰格醫藥,以及日本最大CRO之一的ACRONET策略結盟,簽署結盟合作協議,在亞洲各地舉辦臨床試驗研討會的經驗分享。ICON為布局亞洲市場舉辦的系列研討會,日前也在台北舉辦。當天由台大醫院腫瘤醫學部楊志新教授簡介台灣進行癌症相關臨床試驗的現況開場,緊接著來自ICON的三位講者發表精闢的見解,包括Jamal Gasmi博士針對「為何一些最近的癌症臨床試驗會失敗?」進行分析,尤其針對非小細胞肺癌、乳癌、胃癌及口腔癌領域的臨床試驗進行深度分析。Gasmi博士提醒,如果每個臨床試驗都能以更好的藥物搭配對的病人,成功率就能提高。 ICON集團營運暨市場開發副總裁Simon Holmes強調,ICON成立以來,一直將目標放在提供客戶更為出色、卓越的服務,不僅是在亞太區,未來在全球都會維持這樣的動力,在具備本土化技術與知識及全球經驗的基礎上,繼續追求提供客戶高優質服務,引導市場。


Icon, Acronet sign alliance agreement in Japan  BioSpectrum  Singapore, Apr 21, 2011: ICON, a global provider of outsourced development services to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries, and ACRONET Corporation, one of Japan's largest CROs, have announced they have signed an alliance agreement. Through the agreement, ICON and ACRONET will collaborate to offer global and Japanese pharmaceutical clients a full range of clinical development capabilities to manage trials on a regional or global basis. With headquarters in Tokyo and additional offices in Osaka, Fukuoka and New York, ACRONET employs around 500 clinical development professionals. ICON has been operational in Japan since 1995 and offers a wide range of clinical development services and contract staffing from its offices in Tokyo and Osaka. Commenting on the alliance, Alan Morgan, ICON's Group President, Clinical Research Services, said, "Japan is an important centre for clinical research and ICON has a well established presence there. Recent changes in the regulatory landscape mean that an increasing number of Japanese based pharmaceutical companies are looking to run development projects on both a domestic and pan regional basis. The alliance between ICON and ACRONET will benefit clients, who can be assured of a wider range of quality drug development services alongside truly global expertise." Shogo Nakamori, ACRONET's President and CEO, said, "The number of global clinical trials involving the triad regions of US, EU and Japan has increased gradually in recent years and this trend will continue to accelerate. This is one of the challenging areas for the Japanese pharmaceutical industry and ACRONET is now ready to contribute and support the above challenging areas through this alliance with ICON." ICON is one of the leading providers of contract development services in Asia-Pacific and employs approximately 1,000 staff in the region.

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