Monday, July 22, 2013

Lohmann Animal Health GmbH來台花10億蓋動物疫苗廠 ( 攜手 Animal Health Research Institute家畜衛生試驗所)

德國羅曼動物疫苗廠來台設廠【聯合晚報╱記者彭宣雅/即時報導】 2013.07.08 10:24 am 全球禽類第四大疫苗公司德商羅曼動物保健有限公司來台設廠投資疫苗廠,除對提升國內禽類疾病防治,也將與國內生技產業、畜禽研究單位進行產學合作。羅曼公司預計將長期投資一億美金,在台生產各式動物疫苗,再賣給亞洲國家,未來還將把台灣生產的動物疫苗回銷歐盟,預計一年疫苗出口值可超過25億元台幣 2013/07/08 聯合晚報】

德國動物疫苗大廠來臺投資 開創臺灣動物疫苗產業新紀元 文號:6774      1020708日全球禽類第 4 大動物疫苗廠 - 德國羅曼動物保健有限公司 (Lohmann Animal Health GmbH & Co.KG ,以下簡稱德商羅曼公司 )  (102)  7  8 日正式向行政院農業委員會 ( 以下簡稱農委會 ) 遞件申請於臺灣投資設廠,同時就多項技術簽訂策略合作契約,為臺灣動物疫苗產業開創新紀元。農委會說明,德商羅曼公司為具有悠久歷史的農業生技公司,目前在 30 多個國家設有分公司及辦事處,另於德國及美國均建置有符合國際標準的動物疫苗生產廠,在雞、火雞、鴿子等禽類疫苗及其飼料添加劑等動物保健產品上具有技術領先地位,尤其是所生產的無特定病原 (SPF) 蛋,在品質、銷售上均是世界最佳。德商羅曼公司在動物疫苗產業擁有完整實務經驗及遍佈全球行銷通路,透過本次投資及策略合作案,德商羅曼公司將與國內業者及學研單位密切合作,未來可因應亞洲地區疫苗需求,透過臺灣的優異研發技術、人力及運輸地利之便,有效把臺灣研發產製的動物疫苗產品推展至世界舞台,創造雙贏的產業互補效益。本項投資及策略合作案,農委會同仁歷經自 96 年迄今 6 年多來的溝通與協調,德商羅曼公司終於確定投資設廠於農委會位於屏東的農業生物科技園區。投資案部份分為三個階段,第一階段在農業生物科技園區近 3 公頃建廠用地上建置符合美國及歐盟標準的高規格動物疫苗廠房。未來,每年生產技術轉移自臺灣的豬、水禽及陸禽等動物疫苗產品外銷出口。另在策略合作方面,德商羅曼公司預計在兩項新興動物疫苗技術上與臺灣密切合作,包括利用蠶蛹作為平台,以昆蟲桿狀病毒表現次單位抗原的疫苗生產技術,以及透過大腸桿菌生產可溶性高度摺疊的蛋白,藉以生產雞尾酒式的次單位動物疫苗產品技術,這些技術均可望在最短時間內達成商業量產。動物疫苗全球市場規模超過 40 億美元,且仍持續高度成長中。臺灣從事動物疫苗研發人才充沛且成果豐碩,過去不乏與國際大廠合作開發疫苗產製外銷之成功案例,惟本項投資及策略合作案,將成為產業重要里程碑,未來勢必吸引更多國際動物疫苗大廠的注目,同時帶動臺灣技術人力需求,以及檢驗試劑、疫苗佐劑及 SPF 蛋等動物疫苗周邊產業蓬勃發展,激勵臺灣動物疫苗產業產生正向的良性循環。動物疫苗是「自由經濟示範區 - 農業加值」全力推動的重要產業項目,農委會未來將持續努力,致力提升臺灣動物疫苗量產技術並與國際市場接軌,建立臺灣領先全球之動物疫苗產業聚落。

Lohmann Animal Health invests in Taiwan ROC Vice Premier Mao Chi-kuo (second right) and COA Minister Chen Bao-ji (second left) look on as Huang Chin-cheng, director of Pingtung Agricultural Biotechnology Park (left), and Bruno Kaesler, managing director of Lohmann Animal Health GmbH, display the memorandum of understanding July 8 in Taipei City. (Courtesy of COA) Publication Date07/09/2013 Source Taiwan Today Germany-based Lohmann Animal Health GmbH has committed to establishing its vaccine production and R&D capabilities in Taiwan, according to the ROC Council of Agriculture July 8. The company is planning a state-of-the-art vaccine production facility in Pingtung County, and also inked a memorandum of understanding on R&D collaboration with the COA's Animal Health Research Institute."This partnership is a milestone in Taiwan's biotechnology industry," COA Minister Chen Bao-ji said at the memorandum signing ceremony in Taipei City. "It will also boost bilateral collaboration and exchanges in R&D, talent training and vaccine production."According to Chen, animal vaccine production is one of the sectors set for strategic promotion inside Taiwan's planned free economic zones. "Lohmann's business decisions will inspire more global firms to follow suit and are a strong vote of confidence in the country's R&D credentials." Set to occupy 3 hectares in Southern Taiwan's Pingtung Agricultural Biotechnology Park, the NT$1 billion (US$33.3 million) facility is the first planned by a foreign vaccine-maker. It will produce vaccines using local know-how for export to Asia, and eventually be expanded to include an R&D center. Lohmann Managing Director Bruno Kaesler cited Taiwan's exceptional vaccine research capabilities as one of the reasons for his company's decision to expand its presence in Taiwan. Kaesler also expects the Pingtung facility to serve as a key platform for commercializing the company's biotech innovations for the global market. Lohmann's Taiwan operations are forecast to lift its share of the Asia-Pacific poultry vaccination market to 35 percent, with export values estimated at NT$2.5 billion a year, according to the COA. (SFC-JSM)


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