Sunday, July 15, 2012

Treat non-alcoholic fatty liver disease naturally

 Saturday, July 14, 2012 by: PF Louis  (NaturalNews) Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is surging throughout the Western industrial world to become the most common liver disease. In the USA alone, over 30 million are afflicted with NAFLD. It can lead to cirrhosis, liver cancer, and even liver failure. NAFLD is not from boozing too much, nor is it from Hepatitis B or C. It's from our modern diet also known as SAD (standard American diet), which has spread to other nations and continents. Fatty liver occurs when fatty lipids occupy liver cells enough to exceed five percent of the liver's weight. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is linked to metabolic syndrome or diabetes types 1 and 2, implying NAFLD has more to do with excessive sugar intake than saturated fats. Eating non-processed, saturated fat found in organic butter, cheeses, and grass fed meats does not cause fatty liver. HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) is a prime suspect, along with trans-fatty acids contained in cheap processed oils. HFCS is found in all kinds of processed foods, even sandwich meats. Besides being an addictive sweetener, it's a great preservative.

The mechanics of non-alcoholic fatty liver HFCS is a problem for the liver because the liver is 100 percent responsible for metabolizing it. What doesn't get metabolized is stored as fat. This is also true of glucose (table sugar). But the liver is responsible for metabolizing only 20 percent of glucose. Out of 120 calories from glucose, one calorie gets stored as fat. Cells throughout the body metabolize glucose rapidly. The same 120 calories of HFCS results in 40 calories worth converted to fat that remains mostly in the liver. You can bet that the rise in obesity among adults and children is a direct result of HFCS being used more than glucose in sweets, pastries, and even other processed foods that are not considered sweet. One out of three HFCS products tested, contained toxic levels of mercury. Apparently it can be directly used to manufacture HFCS or it's a byproduct. Toxic mercury can get stuck in the liver. The liver's attempt to metabolize HFCS produces uric acid. Uric acid can ramp up blood pressure, cause gout, and lead to liver damage. Most corn is GMO corn and it's the first choice of HFCS manufacturers. GMO foods destroy probiotic bacteria, thus hampering digestion and making the liver work harder.

Avoiding and healing NAFLD High fructose corn syrup is ubiquitous. Sometimes it's just called corn syrup, which is the same as HFCS. It is somewhat addictive. This drives you to eat more even if it's not a sweet tooth food. For example, fast food French fries can be laced with HFCS to make you want more fries, and more is easy since HFCS interferes with the hormones that let your brain know you've had enough to eat. Simply avoid all processed foods, sodas, sports drinks, junk foods, and trans-fats. Look for HFCS or corn syrup in the list of all food ingredients when you shop and avoid them. Exercise as often as possible, and restrict alcohol consumption. If you're overweight, experiencing diabetic issues, and/or have high blood pressure, get a liver enzyme blood test. If you're diagnosed with NAFLD, you can reverse it by doing what you should have done to avoid it for starters along with the following: The herb Milk Thistle is best suited for the liver because it contains silymarin, a flavonoid that heads straight to the liver to repair damaged cells.  

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