Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Raloxifene 與 tamoxifen 用於 “預防” 乳癌 !!!

乳癌高危險群 口服藥可降罹患率  2013/1/16 荷爾蒙治療藥 預防效果長達20  阻雌激素刺激癌細胞 降乳癌機率  口服藥副作用多 僅高危險群適用家族有乳癌病史等高風險的婦女,只要服用強效藥,就可以達到預防的效果。 英國公布了,「泰莫西芬」或「雷諾西芬」這兩種藥,吃2到5年,可以降低乳癌罹患率,高達五成。 不過卻有副作用,國內的醫師提醒,這種藥只限於 近親、有乳癌病史的高危險群,才適合服用。

乳癌除了提早發現,還可以靠吃藥來預防。 預防性的藥物就是這兩種,一個是泰莫西芬,原本就是乳癌用藥,另一個則是雷洛昔芬是骨科拿來增加骨密度的藥物,不過英國研究,他們還可以預防乳癌,效果長達二十年 沒想到給有乳癌家族病史的婦女服用,像是泰莫西芬適用於更年期乳癌高危險族群,而雷洛昔芬給年輕的高危險女性使用,都可以阻斷雌激素對癌細胞的刺激,服用五到十年,就可以降低五成的乳癌罹患率 不過要特別注意,它們引起的副作用,泰莫西芬會導致子宮內膜癌的機率增加,而雷洛昔芬也會有潮熱,靜脈血栓等副作用,而且有血脂肪、肝臟、心血管方面疾病、還有血栓的人都不適合服用,只限於近親有乳癌病史,或是被判定未來有風險的高危險群才能服用,而健康沒病史的人,根本不需要用藥物來預防。

The drugs that could keep breast cancer away for 20 years: Protection for thousands at high risk By JENNY HOPE PUBLISHED: 03:49 GMT, 15 January 2013 | UPDATED: 13:31 GMT, 15 January 2013 Thousands of healthy women could be offered powerful breast cancer drugs to cut their chances of contracting the disease.  New guidelines suggest the drugs raloxifene (Evista) or tamoxifen (Nolvadex, Istubal or Valodex) could offer as much as 20 years of protection for those considered at high risk of cancer. The aim is to slash the odds of developing breast cancer in the first place - just as statins are given to patients to stave off heart disease. 'Historic step': Healthy women judged to be at risk could be given daily medication in a bid to help reduce the odds of them developing breast cancer Even women judged to be at 'moderate' risk of the disease in the next ten years, due to genetic or family history, could be given daily medication. Charities have hailed the new guidance as an 'historic step' in the treatment of breast cancer. Tamoxifen has been used to treat the illness for more than 30 years, saving the lives of hundreds of thousands at a cost of just a few pennies a day, although newer drugs are proving even more effective. International trials show it reduces the risk of the most common kind of breast cancer by one third after five years, with the preventative effect lasting up to 20 years. The guidelines are released today by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), the watchdog responsible for advising the UK's National Health Service (NHS) on good practice. Preventative: Tamoxifen could be used to stave off cancer in the same way statins are prescribed to patients to ward off heart disease Women would take the drugs for five years either before or after menopause. Currently in the UK, high-risk women can be offered annual MRI scans from the age of 40 and may decide to have preventative surgery, including mastectomies (the removal of their breasts). The guidance says that more women at higher than average risk should be offered surveillance at a younger age to detect the disease earlier. The risk of breast cancer in the general population is one in eight - but this rises to one in three for women at high risk and one in four for those at moderate risk. Women with faulty genes such as BRCA1, BRCA2 and TP53 are among those who have a more than 80 per cent chance of being diagnosed with the disease. Both tamoxifen and the osteoporosis drug raloxifene, which is used after menopause, are licensed in the U.S. for breast cancer prevention but are not widely taken up, partly because of concerns about possible side effects. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence says the drugs are being recommended because they have 'good evidence' behind them. Breast cancer specialist Professor Michael Baum said the drugs were a 'reasonable option' for women at high risk because of evidence that they cut the death rate. He said 'I don't think women or doctors will be deterred from using them by the lack of a license.'NICE's support for preventive drugs could encourage clinicians, it will give them more confidence when talking to women at high risk about their options.'




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