Monday, May 18, 2015

足底筋膜炎(Plantar fasciltis): 退化性疾病 !

足底筋膜炎治療 台大研究登國際期刊足底筋膜被過度牽拉 容易發炎退化 健康醫療網/記者郭庚儒報導 2015/05/14 足底筋膜炎怎麼治療較有效?台大醫院研究團隊發現,短期以施打自體血漿製劑或類固醇,會有不錯的效果,但長期可考慮進行體外震波治療,或施打自體血漿製劑。研究成果已刊登於國外著名期刊《Rheumatology》。一踩地就好痛,你可能得到了足底筋膜炎。台大北護分院復健科主治醫師蕭名彥指出,足底筋膜炎其實不是真正發炎,而是一種退化性疾病。足底筋膜扮演著維持足弓、穩定足踝、協助吸震的角色,當足部長時間承受重量,足底筋膜被過度牽拉或受壓,就可能引起發炎及退化。該院復健科主治醫師張凱閔表示,足底筋膜炎不容易治癒,更常變成反覆的慢性疼痛,目前治療方式有復健、局部注射類固醇、體外震波治療,以及注射自體血漿製劑。哪種治療效果較好?張凱閔說明,短期可施打自體血漿製劑或類固醇,長期則建議以體外震波治療及注射自體血漿製劑治療,體外震波可以達到類似注射自體血漿製劑的療效,且價格便宜許多,也少去打針的疼痛及併發症,目的是引發身體的修復反應、促進退化的組織再生。

Steroid shots. Injecting a type of steroid medication into the tender area can provide temporary pain relief. Multiple injections aren't recommended because they can weaken your plantar fascia and possibly cause it to rupture, as well as shrink the fat pad covering your heel bone.

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy. In this procedure, sound waves are directed at the area of heel pain to stimulate healing. It's usually used for chronic plantar fasciitis that hasn't responded to more-conservative treatments. This procedure may cause bruises, swelling, pain, numbness or tingling and has not been shown to be consistently effective.

Surgery. Few people need surgery to detach the plantar fascia from the heel bone. It's generally an option only when the pain is severe and all else fails. Side effects include a weakening of the arch in your foot.


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