Friday, March 30, 2018

(エーブィエ バイオファーム) iPS cellに由来する疾病治療薬のビジネスポテンシャル

患者iPS細胞由来の疾患モデル組織を販売開始  カリフォルニア再生医療機構 (CIRM)のヒト多能性幹細胞 (hPSC)バンクのiPS 細胞の商業利用ライセンス取得により、分化細胞を流通・販売することが可能となりました。Elixirgen Scientific, LLC 2018329 0910Elixirgen Scientific独自のQuick-Tissue™技術はiPS細胞やES細胞を世界最速の10日以内に高効率で、様々な細胞へ分化誘導が可能です。分化可能な細胞種は血管内皮細胞、GABA作動性神経、ドーパミン神経、コリン作動性神経、骨格筋や肝細胞であり、さらに新規の細胞種を追加する予定です。これまでは、研究者向けの分化誘導試薬キットの販売と受託分化誘導サービスを提供していました。受託分化誘導サービスはユーザーのiPS細胞やES細胞を受け取り、分化して1週間程度で返送するサービスですCIRMの幹細胞バンクはすでに研究が活発なアルツハイマー病、心筋症、特発性肺線維症、自閉症、C型肝炎、脂肪性肝疾患、脳性麻痺、糖尿病性網膜症などの1,600株をカバーしており、今後も3千株まで増やす予定です。各細胞ラインは個人が特定できないように匿名化されながらも、詳細な人種・年齢・性別等の属性や患者の臨床データもCIRMより提供しております。さらに属性が合致する健常者の細胞ラインも比較・対照するために提供されております。CIRMの幹細胞バンクとElixirgen ScientificQuick-Tissue™分化誘導技術を組み合わせることで、1,600の細胞ラインの疾患研究に必要な組織を提供できることが可能となりました。このことによって、世界中の研究者は、アルツハイマー病、自閉症、脳性麻痺、脂肪性肝疾患および他の疾患の患者のiPS 細胞由来の様々な神経、血管内皮細胞、骨格筋、肝細胞などの組織が研究に活用できるようになりました。分化細胞は凍結細胞、培養フラスコ内の生細胞、マイクロプレート上または顕微鏡スライド上の生細胞といったような製品フォーマットで受け取ることが可能です。世界中の大学、研究機関や製薬企業の創薬スクリーニング、毒性検査等の医薬品開発向けに疾患モデル組織を提供することで、多くの疾患の治療法発見を加速させると期待しております。

Disease Models from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Now Commercially Available Elixirgen Scientific Mar 28, 2018, 09:07 ETBALTIMORE, March 28, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Elixirgen Scientific has begun selling a variety of cell-based human disease models after signing a new agreement, which allows the company to produce and distribute cells differentiated from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM)'s human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC) repository. Elixirgen Scientific's proprietary technology (Quick-Tissue™) makes highly efficient differentiation of hPSCs, such as induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and embryonic stem cells (ESCs), possible in under 10 days, the fastest speed in the world for all cell types. Their catalog includes vascular endothelial cells, GABAergic neurons, dopaminergic neurons, cholinergic neurons, skeletal muscle cells, and hepatocytes, with more cell types in continuous development. The products are currently offered both as a reagent kit for researchers and companies, and as a service - customers can send in their iPSCs or ESCs, and have them returned, differentiated into the tissue type of their choice, in one week. The CIRM hPSC repository features 1,600 cell lines derived from patients with diseases and conditions that are areas of active research, such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), cardiomyopathy, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, autism spectrum disorder, hepatitis C, fatty liver disease, cerebral palsy, diabetic retinopathy, and more. The cell lines have detailed, anonymized demographic clinical data and have matched controls, making them very suitable for research into those diseases. When applied to CIRM's hPSC bank, Elixirgen Scientific's Quick-Tissue™ differentiation technology will be able to provide relevant tissues for any of the 1,600 cell lines. This means that scientists will be able to receive a variety of in vitro differentiated cells such as neurons, vascular endothelial cells, skeletal muscles, and hepatocytes derived from patients with AD, autism, cerebral palsy, fatty liver disease, and other diseases - all with a one-week turnaround time. These differentiated cells are available in the form of frozen cells, live cells in a cell culture flask, live cells in microplates, and live cells on microscopic slides. Elixirgen Scientific hopes to provide researchers in academia and pharmaceutical companies around the world with much needed cell-based human disease models for drug screening, toxicity testing, and other biomedical applications, thereby accelerating discovery of a cure for many diseases. Elixirgen Scientific, launched in 2016, is a Baltimore-based biotechnology company focused on stem cell related technology. The company's mission is to make stem cell innovation available to everyone. The company is located in the Science + Technology Park at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, a research environment that allows Elixirgen Scientific's scientists to conduct research at state-of-the-art SOURCE Elixirgen Scientific

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