Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Jean Chen Shih陳景虹院士 & 富邦蔡明忠: monoamine oxidase as a anti-cancer target

蔡明忠捐USC150 研究抗癌 【洛杉磯訊】 April 13, 2013 09:00 AM | 10475 | 0| 7||南加大11日宣布,台灣富邦金融控股股份有限公司董事長蔡明忠捐出150萬美元,在南加大藥學院成立轉譯醫學研究中心,專門研究轉譯醫學對抗癌症。 蔡明忠的這項捐款將用於藥學的轉譯研究,支持南加大與台大、中研院及北醫等校進行相關研究。台美研究人員將探索單胺氧化MAO)與癌症的關聯。單胺氧化monoamine oxidase)是人類體內一種重要酵素,主要調控腦部功能,並被認為與致癌風險有關聯。南加大將在藥學院約翰史陶福醫藥研究中心內的一個實驗室,命名為「蔡明忠轉譯醫學研究實驗室」,台灣中央研究院院士陳景虹將領銜指導。駐洛杉磯台北經濟文化辦事處科技組組長張揚展表示,轉譯醫學 (translational medicine,也稱做轉化醫學)將基礎醫學研究直接和臨床治療上連結。在過去,基礎醫學、藥物開發和臨床治療,是分開的三個領域。但是隨著生物科技技術發展,讓研究標的得以大規模分析,並藉由生物資訊的統計分析,讓這三個分開的領域得以快速連結,讓以往疾病研究上的分子致病機轉研究的成果,能直接運用於臨床治療。張揚展認為,南加大轉譯醫學研究中心成立,將有助台、美轉譯醫學合作,尤其在國際基因權威陳景虹院士領導下,對台灣培育轉譯醫學研究人才將有莫大助益。他說,轉譯醫學是國科會推動的重點科技研究,對這項合作,感到鼓舞並樂觀其成;他將協助雙方在國科會現行人才培育及國際合作計畫機制內進行合作。陳景虹是南加州大學醫學院講座教授,也是國際知名人類腦神經研究專家,有「MAO 基因之母」美譽,在基因與行為研究取得傑出的成就,她曾擔任美國華人生物科學會會長。蔡明忠於20124月被選為南加大校董會董事,蔡明忠及其夫人陳藹玲也都是南加大校友,他們的四個小孩中三人目前在南加大就讀。

Donation from USC Trustee to Launch Pharmaceutical Cancer Research Center By Xinyu (Lucy) Lin and Dawn Megli Thursday, April 11, 2013 | 5:16 p.m. PDT A donation from a USC trustee will launch a binational research center for pharmaceutical research. (ATVN) Taiwanese businessman and USC Trustee Daniel M. Tsai donated $1.5 million to the USC School of Pharmacy to establish a binational research center between USC and Taiwan. "I believe international collaborations between expert researchers are one of the keys to developing new ways to treat disease," Tsai said. " I am proud to support USC and, in particular, the work of Dr. Shih to ensure these collaborations take place." The new center will accommodate researchers focusing on monoamine oxidase (MAO), a key enzyme that regulates brain function and may be linked to cancer risk. MAO has been prescribed as an antidepressant due to its ability to deactivate neurotransmitters, which are responsible for some neurological disorders. However, recent studies has found MAO to have the potential to promote tumor growth. Studies to corroborate the link between MAO and cancer have been inconclusive, however. USC Professor Jean Chen Shih, a globally recognized expert in monoamine signaling, will lead the new research center at the School of Pharmacy. The donation will provide cutting-edge research facilities, numerous laboratories, and techonologically advanced equipment to accelerate the scientific discovery into modern cancer therapeutics.Dean R. Pete Vanderveen expressed confidence towards the research and the collaboration with Taiwan."The ability to accelerate the time between scientific discovery and new patient therapies is a core focus of USC's medical enterprise," said USC President C.L. Max Nikias. " With his generous gift, Daniel Tsai affirms his confidence in our ability to do so."A laboratory in the John Stauffer Pharmaceutical Sciences Center on USC's Health Sciences Campus will be named after Tsai for his generous donation.


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