Monday, April 27, 2015

友華 Uterine fibroids (子宮肌瘤)新藥Esmya (Ulipristal acetate)2015Q3上市 /年營收50億/ EPS=2.26

友華強攻海外市場 今年營收衝新高 中央社-20150425 下午18:54 (中央社記者羅秀文台北25日電)友華生技去年營收突破新台幣50億元,創下歷史新高,成長動能來自海外市場。今年將會有多項西藥、成人保健及醫美新產品在海內外上市,法人看好營收續創新高。友華2014年合併營收突破50億元,年增約7%,創下歷史新高,主要成長來自海外事業的拓展,海外營收占比從前2013年的35%,提升至38%,創下歷年新高水準,每股盈餘(EPS)2.26元。友華去年營收有56%來自營養保健品事業群,西藥部分(包含醫美產品)占總營收44%其中近半來自於海外市場的貢獻,包含中國大陸、香港、新加坡、馬來西亞與菲律賓。主要成長是來自大陸的奶粉市場,卡洛塔妮系列牛奶粉產品2013年下半年在大陸上市,擴大牛、羊奶粉產品線,擁有超過3000個銷售據點,挹注成長動能。此外,友華重要子公司友霖生技去年也有重要營收貢獻,包括去年底技術轉移給大陸泰德製藥的授權金及製藥生產的營收,獲得美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)藥證的肌肉鬆弛劑Carsoprodol及降血糖學名藥Miglitol,預計今年行銷到美國市場,可望大幅提升產能與營收來源。友華生技西藥事業群總經理張治平表示,友華今年將會有多項西藥、成人保健及醫美新產品在海內外上市,擴大經營女性與銀髮族市場,並將營運重點鎖定持續成長的大陸及東南亞市場。在處方藥方面,張治平表示,治療子宮肌瘤新藥Esmya預計下半年在台灣和香港同步上市,這是一項全新機轉的子宮肌瘤口服藥物,口服劑型便利,手術前服用能夠降低出血,抑制肌瘤生長,上市後將幫助更多女性病患提升生活品質。此外,張治平說,治療肺癌及移轉性乳癌的口服化療藥物溫諾平(Navelbine)已在台灣、香港、新加坡及馬來西亞上市多年,擁有很好的銷售成績,今年下半年將會在菲律賓登記上市;治療前列腺藥物(Pamorelin)已在新加坡上市外,將積極拓展至整個亞太市場。另外,台灣、菲律賓與馬來西亞已上市的治療氣喘的超微粒分子藥物肺舒坦(Foster),預計今年在新加坡正式上市,可望帶動海外市場持續成長。友華表示,今年將持續強化產品線、深耕海外市場、擴大新藥研發領域,重要子公司友杏生技的癌症針劑廠亦將開始興建,多方佈局有利友華今年營運表現。

Ulipristal acetate (trade name EllaOne in the European Union, Ella in the U.S. for contraception, and Esmya for uterine fibroid) is a selective progesterone receptor modulator (SPRM).

Emergency contraception For emergency contraception a 30 mg tablet is used within 120 hours (5 days) after an unprotected intercourse or contraceptive failure. It has been shown to prevent about 60% of expected pregnancies, and prevents more pregnancies than emergency contraception with levonorgestrel. Ulipristal acetate is available by prescription for emergency contraception in over 50 countries, with access through pharmacists without a prescription being tested in the United Kingdom.

Treatment of uterine fibroids Ulipristal acetate is used for pre-operative treatment of moderate to severe symptoms of uterine fibroids in adult women of reproductive age in a daily dose of a 5 mg tablet. Treatment of uterine fibroids with ulipristal acetate for 13 weeks effectively controlled excessive bleeding due to uterine fibroids and reduced the size of the fibroids. Two intermittent 3-month treatment courses of ulipristal acetate 10 mg resulted in amenorrhea at the end of the first treatment course in 79.5%, at the end of the second course in 88.5% of subjects. Mean myoma volume reduction observed during the first treatment course (−41.9%) was maintained during the second one (−43.7%).

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